The Stop, Relax, and Think Workbook — ChildTherapyToys

The Stop, Relax, and Think Workbook

Product Number : 703161600

  • Contains more than 60 activities that teach children important skills
  • Each activity may be copied for professional use
  • Invaluable tool if you work with children who have behavioral problems
  • Activities suitable for ages 6-12

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This workbook contains more than 60 paper and pencil activities that teach children such important skills as: thinking about consequences, staying focused and completing a task, engaging in quiet activities without disturbing others, and more. Each of the eight sections of the book contains fun activities, puzzles, and games that help reinforce these essential behavioral skills. The activities may be copied for professional use, making this an invaluable tool if you work with children who have behavioral problems.

For ages 6-12.

We also carry the Stop, Relax and Think! Board Game and the Stop, Relax and Think! Card Game.